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Swim Equipment and Training Aids

If you have been to a pool where lap swimming is welcomed, you have probably seen people working out with a wide array of fins, paddles, floats, and other devices. There are many schools of thought on what devices are worth using, and how they should be used. It gets complicated! More on that later. … Continue reading »

Categories: devices for training, injuries, Uncategorized | Tags: | Comments Off

How cool is your pool?

How time flies! It’s September 2013 already. Swimming has been good, especially our dives on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia (more on that later).  San Diego has a pretty moderate summer (70-mid 80s F.), and our favorite pool usually maintains water temperatures in the 81+ degree range in the competition pool (also offers 1m … Continue reading »

Categories: heat exhaustion, hypothermia, Pool Conditions, Uncategorized, water temperature | Comments Off